Thursday, December 6, 2012

New Bachata classes (Dec'12)

For all those Bachata lovers, whether you have salsa experience or a newbie, don't miss our new Bachata class starting this week 8/Dec Sat 5-6pm! Check out our website.

New Salsa Classes (Jan'13)

Don't miss our next intake of Salsa classes and join in the craze! Starting either 5/Jan Sat 3-4pm or 9/Jan Wed 8-9pm. Check out our website!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Salsa Classes - an essential social skill!

It's time to focus on your personal development and skills!

An increasingly essential social skill nowadays is to be able to dance well and show of some moves! Consider Salsa dancing! It's hot. A great way to meet people. And extremely fun!! And before you know it, you're getting great exercise. To incredible intoxicating Salsa music..

Absolutely no experience necessary. Partners are optional. Our classes have a good number of guys and gals, and we change partners often in class. Just bring along your passion for dancing...

Our instructors are trained to break down the basics, getting you feeling the music, and start dancing in the 1st class! Warning: Salsa is addictive! All you need is our Salsa Beginner CD, a portable music player, and you can practice anywhere at home, at the office :) or in the park!

Our next Salsa "Beginner 1" class starts either 11/Nov Sun 3-4pm or 14/Nov Wed 9-10pm, for more info check out our website !

Havana Estudio represents Malaysia at 2012 Singapore Salsa Festival

We're back from the 2012 Singapore salsa international salsa festival! Did our country proud by showing off how Salsa dancers made in Malaysia can do!! We got great positive feedback and praise from established salsa schools from Singapore, Indonesia, Australia, India, and the USA!